New to M-NCPPC

Welcome to the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission (“Commission”)! The Employees’ Retirement System (“ERS”) is the Commission’s primary retirement system for its employees.

The ERS is a defined benefit plan, qualified in accordance with IRS Code Section 401(a). A defined benefit plan means the retirement benefit paid to you is a guaranteed benefit, based on your salary and credited service in the ERS. It does not depend on your contributions or the amount of investment income the ERS has earned.

The Plan Document or the Summary Plan Description for each plan can be reviewed to answer questions on contributing to the ERS, becoming vested, purchasing service, qualifying for retirement, and more.

There are two plans open to new hires:

Plan E

Plan E

Membership in Plan E is mandatory for:

  • Full-time Career Employees
  • Part-time Career Employees
  • Employees of the ERS hired on or after January 1, 2013
  • Appointed officials – Commissioners, Executive Director, General Counsel, and Secretary-Treasurer 
  • Employees exempt from the Merit System and appointed by the respective County Planning Board
  • An employee Appointed to the position of Inspector General

Plan E is integrated with Social Security. Plan E does not apply to individuals who, as a result of their prior employment, are current Members of Plan B. 

Plan C

Plan C

Membership in Plan C is mandatory for:

  • Full-time Career Park Police Officers
  • Park Police exempt from the Merit System and appointed by the respective County Planning Board

Transfer Service Credit

Members of an actuarially funded retirement system of the State of Maryland, or any political subdivision of the State, may apply to transfer credited service to the ERS. 

Credited Service may be eligible to transfer if:

  • A break in employment has not been incurred,
  • A claim for the service is filed within one year of becoming a member of the ER, and
  • Within one year after becoming a member of the ERS the member deposits total accumulated contributions from the previous system.

All services must be certified as transferable by the former System. Transfers from a contributory system require the transfer of all accumulated contributions. Transfers from a non-contributory system will result in an actuarial deficiency at the time of retirement. There are specific requirements from certain Maryland State Pension Plans.

If you have any questions concerning transfer of service credit, please contact the ERS directly at or 301-454-1415.