Cost-of-Living Adjustments

There are cost-of-living adjustments (“COLAs”) for retirees and survivors who have been receiving a benefit for at least six months. The COLA is applied each July 1st and is based on the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
COLAs are provided at 100% of the change in the CPI up to 3%, plus half of the change in the CPI in excess of 3%, up to a maximum of 5% for benefits attributable to credited service credited prior to July 1, 2012 and earned and unused sick leave credited prior to January 1, 2013. (“Tier 1”). A maximum COLA of 2.5% applies to retirement benefits attributable to credited service credited after July 1, 2012 and earned and unused sick leave credited after January 1, 2013 (“Tier 2”).
If the CPI is 4% then retirees and beneficiaries receive 100% up to 3%, plus half of 1% (which is the excess above 3%) or 3.5% for Tier 1 service and 2.5% (the maximum) for Tier 2 service.