Form 1095 C - Now Available for Retirees!

February 5, 2025

Important information about Form 1095-C:

  • You are not required to send the IRS a copy of Form 1095-C or other proof of healthcare coverage when filing your tax return. However, it is a good idea to keep this form in your file for your records in case you are audited by the IRS.
  • You will not incur a penalty if you were not covered by a health insurance plan in 2024.
  • Form 1095-C will confirm the months that you and your covered dependents were/were not enrolled in a healthcare plan sponsored by M-NCPPC during 2024.
  • Form 1095-C will not be automatically mailed to your home address this year.  They will be made available to benefit eligible retirees by March 3, 2025. 

If you have any questions, contact your Health & Benefits Team ( or 301-454-1694).